Friday, December 28, 2007

#6 - Schindler's List

Okay, I'm tired of long movies. I mean come on, 3 hours? But, whatever, at least the next one isn't that long.

Anyway, to the movie. I've never seen this one, but for some reason it's not one of those that I've always meant to watch. For some reason I've just never had much of an interest to watch this one.

Now that I have watched it, my impression is about the same. I mean it's a good movie, but I just couldn't get into it. I think it's just one of those movies that I have to be in the right mood to watch, and I just wasn't in the mood for it.

I got more into it towards the end, though, the last hour or so kept me interested enough to finish now, and not put it off. Like I said though, it was a good movie, I just wasn't in the right mood. If I'd go back and watch it at some other time, I'd probably have liked it more.

And again, here are some random IMDb facts about the movie.
-Steven Spielberg was not paid for this film. He refused to accept a salary citing that it would be "blood money".
-The only film released in the last quarter century to make it onto the American Film Institute's top ten list of best American movies of all time.

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